Saturday 21 April 2007

Good news: beer to become cheaper

Beer drinkers have been paying too much for years because of pricing agreements between the four biggest brewers in the Netherlands, the European Commission's cartel investigation division said on Friday. The European Commission has given Heineken, Grolsch, Bavaria and the Dutch arm of Belgian company Interbrew two months to respond to the allegation. Dommelsch and Hertog Jan are labels owned by Interbrew.

Now Freedom Party Member of Parliament Dion Graus (better known for hitting his girlfriend) wants the brewers to halve the price of beer for the coming three years "as a gesture to the public." "Millions of people drink beer each day. Millions who have been systematically taken for a ride by the pricing agreements between Heineken, Grolsch and Bavaria."

I fully agree. Halving the price of beer will save me at least 500 euro per year.

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