Sunday, 2 December 2007

Playing nurse

OS finally came home yesterday after 41 days in hospital. He can eat only liquid food, feels very tired and talks with a slur, but for the rest he is OK. So I have to play nurse for a few days and make sure he takes care of himself. I won't miss the daily treks to the hospital (sometimes twice a day) - I must have driven that distance at least 50 times.
In other news, the Gemeente Museum has decided not to show the gay men with Mohammed masks. (see previous post) They say they "want to show art, not be an instrument in a political game". Our friend Ehsan Jami is also joining the anti-Islam camp with a film entitled The life of Mohammed which should be ready in February or March of next year. Jami says the film "will cause more of a commotion than the Danish cartoons of Mohammed". A representative of the Muslim community here had a very wise comment: "We have seen and heard it all. We can't be shocked any more."

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