Monday 23 July 2007

Dutch are not honest

The Dutch are not honest people. Reader’s Digest journalists left a total of 960 mobile telephones lying about unguarded in the largest cities in 32 countries. Of the 30 cell phones which had been left lying about in Amsterdam, fourteen were returned. With this score the Netherlands ranks 29th in the honesty survey, according to Readers Digest on Monday. Foreign tourists visiting Amsterdam are more honest than the ‘native’ Amsterdam residents. Four times it was a foreign tourist who found the telephone on the street and in each case the telephone was returned. The survey also showed that women are more honest than men. Of the 21 mobile phones that were found by men, nine were given back while, of the nine women who found a telephone, seven were returned. The population of the Slovenian city Ljubljana (260,000 inhabitants) turned out to be the most honest; 29 of the telephones were returned to their rightful owner. Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur came at the bottom of the list with only thirteen telephones returned.

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