After, again, a very busy week I rushed to Amsterdam's Central Station on Friday evening to meet a fellow blogger who shall remain nameless. We (
I?) decided to go to a Greek restaurant which was not bad at all, and the conversation and the wine flowed very well. The nameless fellow blogger insisted that I show him
The Cuckoo's Nest and, shock horror, also wanted to get a joint - actually
two joints. It all went downhill from there: we went to Soho, smoked a joint, met CH, FR, RO, MA and a few others who all were buying drinks for us (it was FR's birthday!) and after coming home smoked another joint. The blogger who shall remain nameless had to puke that evening, and I was sick most of Saturday and puked only on Saturday afternoon. A full day wasted. Fellow blogger, I know that you will be reading this, if you want to add to the story please go ahead!
"...insisted that I show him The Cuckoo's Nest and, shock horror, also wanted to get a joint - actually two joints"
should be "....I had insisted to show him The Cuckoo's Nest and wanted to make him high, so I bought two joints".
Well, you said that we Singaporeans are good drinkers, I just wanted to share the secret of how to puke gracefully....unlike someone-you-know-who. :-P
What is it about the CN and you? Can't you get your head out of that toilet joint?
Oh yeah, puking. It is almost one year since you contaminated this pristine area.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV de LCD, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://tv-lcd.blogspot.com. A hug.
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