My friend JM was in Amsterdam for business meetings and called to ask if he could stay with me for the night. We went into town for dinner and looking around we thought we'd have to go to McDonalds or Burgerking because all the restaurants around Rembrandtplein were full! The economy must really be doing well if you can't even eat decently without booking ahead.
Anyway, we found a table in 't Fornuis which I had been to a couple of times. Good food, good service, and nice wines, but I noticed JM had something on his mind that was bothering him. Finally he told me that his wife told him that she may be pregnant again! They already have two children aged 12 and 9, and decided to not have more, so his wife's phone call came as a big surprise. I can imagine that having another baby at their age is turning their world upside-down. I also told him about DAZ' child and how, after seeing DAZ with his son, for the first time in my life I actually thought about producing a child myself.
After dinner, JM wanted to see today's bar scene in Amsterdam, so we went to all kinds of hip student hangouts. Everyone was at least 20 years younger than us. Drank too much (and (stupid me) mixed beer, wine, drambuie, coke and juice). JM was drooling over the blond girls, and I realized that men in gay bars are prettier than those in straight bars.
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