Thinking about such situations (yes, they have happened to me too), I always welcome the attention and will at least have a chat with the admirer, even if he is not my type. Only when they can't keep their hands to themselves will I send them on their way.
Just now ER asked the question why I drink more in Amsterdam than in Singapore. There are several reasons:
1) In Singapore, too, I was drinking a lot sometimes. Ask AN. I believe when ER is around he has a good influence on my alcohol consumption;
2) Drinks are more expensive in Singapore, which has a (small) effect on alcohol intake;
3) It is a custom in my group of friends in Amsterdam to buy a round of beer for each other. So if we have a group of 10 (which is usually the case) , and everyone buys a round, that's 10 beers for all already;
4) Happy hour. Normally we wait for happy hour to order our drinks. So multiply the number of beers in the previous line by 2;
5) CH and FR have the habit of ordering lots of beers just before the end of happy hour. So suddenly there are 30 beers on the table.
I don't know, I don't know. A typical "happy hour" drink in San francisco is $2-$4. I bet it is even cheaper than AMS. I better NOT take you to happy hours.
DA in SF
Just admit it! you drink like a fish!
Look like we need to drink in SF as we are all suck suckers for cheap alcohol.
See you in AA meetings in a few years ok? Ha Ha
Amsterdam is even cheaper than SF: 2 euro for 2 drinks! So it is totally safe to take me to the happy hours in SF....
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