"Thank you for taking the time to complete our guest questionaire form. It gives us great pleasure to read that you were pleased with our services and facilities.
Far East Hospitality and all of us at The Elizabeth Singapore take pride in providing our guests with the highest standards in hospitality. We look forward to hearing our guests' comments in order that we may maintain or improve our services and facilities.
Best regards,
Confidential Secretary to Area General Manager"
Chantel may be a "confidential secretary", but for sure she can't read.
I may have been out of the job market for eons... but what exactly does a 'Confidential Secretary' do for the General Manager... besides misreading all the feedback forms.
Hope you had a good trip. Typical response from apathetic service provider in SIN. Oh well...
condidential secretary sounded like a secret lover. I don't think reading is a prerequsite.
I did mention that you could've stayed at 'The Strand Hotel' -- service was so-so but the room was pretty clean and it's cheap and close to the MRTs. Hehehe.
Ah well - at least you had a great time in Singapore!
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