Watched a part of
I not stupid, a Singapore movie, yesterday at KE's house. Quite funny especially the Singlish spoken. I will borrow the DVD to watch the entire movie soon. Around 11:30pm I made my way to April where I found HO (from Vietnam), CH (from Singapore) and SA (from Thailand) so we were joking about having an ASEAN meeting. By the way did you know that this is the ASEAN flag? I had never seen it before. MA and HE joined so I had to be careful with my alcohol intake. For every two beers they drank I had one beer and one water me so clever lah! I think MA misses GI because he kept on asking "when are we going to Asia again?" The gang is planning for a trip in September, but I think I can't join as I start the new job in May and don't want to take loads of leave so soon. Was home around 3am; took another route home and marveled at the beauty of Amsterdam on a clear Spring night.
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