Sunday, 7 December 2008

A good night

A couple of weeks ago OS suddenly had the urge to see the pyramids, he booked himself a trip and yesterday I dropped him off at Schiphol for his one-week vacation to the land of the Pharaohs. So I have the house all to myself until next week Saturday.
Friday was a fun-packed day. First I had a few beers and smokes with KE, after which I made my way to meet GZ at Central Station for dinner at New King and drinks at De Engel van Amsterdam, where I had been only once before. It is a small gay bar with a nice crowd and very good 70's and 80's music. We had already had quite some beers when MA texted that he had arrived in Soho, so we made our way over, met up with MA, HE, RO and RM and from there it all went downward. Everybody felt obliged to buy a round of drinks and I was hardly able to keep up with the pace. Just before closing time HI and AL arrived and we all went to Exit. AL asked me to accompany him to the dancefloor. It had been a long time that I was dancing so much and I was enjoying it. Around 4am RO and GZ left (not together but we all know what happened hehe), MA and HI went to the darkroom but MA was not happy when they came back, and finally at 5am AL wanted to come with me to my place. He was making strange noises in the taxi already and I was afraid he was going to puke in the taxi, but fortunately he was able to postpone it until he reached my toilet. I fell into a coma and woke up at 1pm with a huge headache, I had a shower and felt a little bit better but still very tired so I went back to bed and slept. Around 4pm both AL and I woke up and I can now officially testify that WI's description of AL's sexual behaviour (see here) is 100% correct. We got up, had a nice dinner at home, we watched two movies and I was glad when he wanted to go out again so that I can have a peaceful night by myself.


Anonymous said...

Oh, good grief. Sex with a corpse?
At least you refrained from drinking G&T, I see.
Huh, a whole week with the house for yourself, eh?

happyamsguy said...

No G&T for me. I have been a very good boy this week.....most of the time.