Since being grossly overpaid as an expat in Singapore, and more recently having received a golden handshake from my former employer, I have some money to invest so I need to follow the financial markets more closely than before. Markets have been up, up , up and the sky seems to be the limit. Economies are doing fine everywhere: the US is ignoring the mortgage crisis signals, Europe is doing relatively nicely, Japan is getting better, China and India are still steaming ahead full speed, and the likes of the Cayman Islands, Dubai and Singapore need to work overtime to launder the enormous amounts of money that are flowing in. It is just too much of optimism, and I feel that soon we will have a correction of the markets. I don't know what will trigger the crash:it could be a terrorist attack, or Iran or North Korea doing something stupid, or all the Chinese investors/gamblers suddenly getting nervous, or a big private equity fund collapsing, or...... So I sold a sizeable chunk of my stocks late last week and today. As the old saying goes: "nobody ever got poorer from realizing gains." So remember: the first time you read about the Great Stock Market Crash of 2007 was on happyamsguy.blogspot.com
I am sure the Dutch government and welfare system thanks you too for all that realized gain.
Wait! You guys only tax the working class.
Just kidding!
DA in SF
There is one good thing about the Dutch tax system: capital gains are tax free! Really!
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