Barclays Bank of the UK which is in a take-over battle for the Netherlands' largest bank ABN Amro said it has struck a deal with China Development Bank and Temasek Holdings Ltd. of Singapore, whereby the pair will buy EUR 3.6 billion of new Barclays shares now, and an additional EUR 9.8 billion if the bid to buy ABN Amro is successful. Immediately press articles appeared warning against "investors from far away" taking control of one of our main companies. Populists and manipulators are using the general public's lack of knowledge about "the East" to instill fear and protect their own interests. As if the yellow hordes are coming...... Well, I am sure if they knew one of the investors is this lovely lady, they wouldn't be so afraid.
I am so surprised by you guys. Gee the great Dutch trading country being afraid of the "Yellow" mongels? I thought you guys lost Indonesia a long time ago. Oh, yeah, there is still Surinam. Just pulling your leg.
So what is the Dutch government going to do if the deal happens? Huh, something like what happened in Thailand when the Singaporean government (ahem, Temasek) bought Thaksin's empire? I can see it all now. Cute little Dutch soldiers marching to retake Amro. Maybe I should take a trip to that cute country of yours again. hahahahaha
DA in SF
Suriname is independent since 1975. We only have some small islands in the Caribbean left. We offered them independence but they refused. Too many advantages of having a rich uncle!
ABN Amro will most likely be sold to a consortium of Royal Bank of Scotland, Banco Santander and Fortis. They have offered more money. So at least we keep our main bank in the European family. hehe. Anyway, Singapore would never let any foreigner buy one of their banks, so they shouldn't complain.
wow did not know that we the good citizens of Singapore are known as "yellow mongels" to some...oh well we have been called worst.....
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