It was a long day yesterday. We had our annual reunion of our group of University friends, 14 of us, economists who studied in Groningen from 1980 - 1985. I missed the previous two reunions as I lived in Singapore in 2005-2006. Yesterday, we all met in the morning at MAA and LI's new farm house South of Utrecht. It is HUGE and they have 20,000 square meters of land. After coffee and cakes we left for the Utrechtse Heuvelrug National Park for a long walk. Back at the farm around 6pm, followed by food around a camp fire. MI brought a new girlfriend, a French girl who only speaks French. I had to dig deep to get my French language skills up and running, it had been a long time. Left the party around 10pm and proceeded to April. I drove into town so could not drink alcohol. Me so clever! After 4 coke lights I called it a day and was in bed by 3am. This morning: blisters on my feet from the long walk.
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