While the rest of the country was at the beach as a result of the unusually nice weather, I went to the bars tonight. They blocked off the street so we all could stand outside and enjoy the balmy weather. It was IV's birthday and IV2 was also there and being too friendly to me. HE and CC ended their relationship and there was a lot of drama with HE being so sad and CC on purpose walking away with another guy - sometimes the gays are such children. TO from Japan / Moscow was also in town and it was nice to meet up with him. I just got an SMS in which he apologized for going back to his hotel alone - I had too much to drink anyway so no hard feelings. And when FR went to the toilet his boyfriend CH was in my pants with his hands (good title for a song: "In my pants with your hands".) Anyway, I had a great night out with the usual too many beers.
all alone in a'dam wanting tips still :)
One or two nights left, what's a friendly bar to visit? I used to love going to April happy hour.
Hope I am not too late with my recommendations. SoHo took over April's role for happy hour, alternatively you could try Rouge or Montmartre. Have fun!
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