Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Terror suspect escapes from Singapore prison

A massive police operation is underway in Singapore after the leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah network there, Mas Selamat Kastari, escaped from detention at 4.05pm on Wednesday. A statement from the Home Affairs Ministry says Mas Selamat walks with a limp and is presently at large. He is not known to be armed and is one of Singapore's most wanted men. Extensive police resources have been deployed to track him down after he escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre.
Escape from prison? IN SINGAPORE? I actually have more sympathy for the country after this news. Singapore has just become, well, how to say, more human.

Who will remember me when I am gone?

Since Monday I am taking a new route to work as one of the streets that I normally follow is closed for road works. I suddenly realized yesterday that I was in the street where my great-aunt AR used to live. She was a sister of my grandmother and we visited maybe once or twice per year for birthday parties and other family events. Aunt AR must have died in the early 1980's. She was a sweet old lady and very nice for us children, maybe the more so since she didn't have any grandchildren herself. Her only daughter EM was a lesbian who had a long-term "friend" FR who always joined for family events, so with hindsight it was obvious they were a couple. EM lived with her mother until she died and within the next decade both EM and FR also passed. As a child I never wondered about EM and FR, I just found it totally normal and them being gay was never a topic for discussion or gossip. So by pure coincidence I was thinking about these people who have all died more than 15 years ago. I also was wondering if anyone would ever think about me again after I am gone. I must be getting old for having such strange thoughts. Hehe

Monday, 25 February 2008

Mark your calendars!

It is official: as MA, WI, HE and I will be celebrating our collective 186th birthday this year, we will throw a big party in WI's new home on Sunday, June 15. So please mark your calendars and keep that day (and the next!) free.
The weekend was great. I worked a bit and ran some errands on Saturday and in the evening MA insisted I join him in Soho to which I replied "OK, one beer.". At first, it was a bit slow with only MA, JE, WI and CC around, and I was all ready to leave around 1 AM when two cute men showed up and were obviously interested in talking to us. Turns out they are visiting from London and one of them is very, very nice. The conversation just flowed automatically and we have the same sense of humour. It also helped that he is 100% cute. We stayed in Soho until closing time, I decided not to join him to his hotel (I am so decent) but we exchanged numbers so who knows he will come to Amsterdam again or I will always visit London at least once a year.
On Sunday my sister in law celebrated her 50th birthday. We had dinner in a very good restaurant and it was fun to meet her family again. She has 3 nephews who are now students in their early 20's and once again I was amazed how self-confident and nice the young people are these days. When there are 3 sons in the family usually at least one is gay and I wouldn't mind hehe. I think their mother likes me a lot as she was talking to me half of the time and she wanted to have our picture taken. Also I realized that shortly after I met her 25 years ago her oldest son was born and he was named after me.

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Ireland sends turkey to Eurovision song contest

Ireland is sending a turkey this year to the Eurovision song contest. Definitely another low - or high?
Here are the lyrics:
Oh, I come from a nation
What knows how to write a song
Oh Europe, where oh where did it all go wrong?
Come on!

Irlande douze points

Drag acts and bad acts and Terry Wogan’s wig
Mad acts and sad acts, it was Johnny Logan’s gig

Shake your feathers and bop your beak
Shake ‘em to the west and to the east
Wave euro hands and euro feet
Wiggle in the air to the turkey beat

Irlande douze points
Irlande douze points
Irlande douze points
Do the funky beat
Come on

D O B double B L E, yeah…

Hello Abba, hello Bono, hello Helsinki
Ola Prague, hello sailor, c’est la vie
Auf Wiedersehen, Mama Mia, and God save the Queen
Bonjour Serbia, good day Austria
You know what I mean

Shake your feathers and bop your beak
Shake ‘em to the west and to the east
Wave euro hands and euro feet
Wiggle in the air to the turkey beat

Shake your feathers and bop your beak
Shake ‘em to the west and to the east
Wave euro hands and euro feet
Wiggle in the air to the turkey beat

Irlande douze points
Irlande douze points
Irlande douze points

Irlande douze points
Irlande douze points
Irlande douze points
Do the funky beat
Come on

Give us another chance, we’re sorry for riverdance
Sure Flately, he’s a yank
And the Danube flows through France
Block vote, shock vote
Give your twelve today
You’re all invited to Dublin, Ireland
And we’ll party the Shamrock way

Irlande douze points – Irlande douze points
Irlande douze points – Irlande douze points
Irlande douze points – Irlande douze points
Irlande douze points – do the funky beat
Come on

Irlande douze points, Irlande douze points

Eastern Europe, we love you
Do you like Irish stew?
Or goulash as it is to you?
(Irlande douze points, Irlande douze points)

Listen Bulgaria, we love you
Belarus, Georgia, Montenegro
Moldovia, Albania, Croatia
Poland, Russia, Ukraine
Macedonia, love you Turkey
Hungary, Estonia, Slovakia
Armenia, Bosnia-Herzegova
And don’t forget the Swiss

Friday, 22 February 2008

Rough sex causes earthquakes

The recent earthquake that was felt across Israel was the result of the "homosexual activity practiced in the country", Knesset Member Shlomo Benizri said Wednesday. Mr. Benizri is probably right. Israel is known for its good looking men (pictured here is Mr. Gay Israel Nathan Shaked), and we all know the love-making can turn a little wild.....
I have been very busy at work. We signed a multi-million contract for a project in Africa, so until I go for my Asian trip in the 3rd week of March I will work non-stop.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

It's the little things that matter

My previous post reminded me of one of my father's favourite songs: "'t Zijn de kleine dingen die het doen" ("It is the little things that matter") a 1971 duet by Dutch couple Saskia and Serge. The song was even played during my dad's cremation ceremony. Unfortunately the song hasn't made it to Youtube yet, so here are the lyrics and translation.

Dat kleine beetje zon waar je al weken lang op wacht
Die uitgestoken hand die je van hen niet had verwacht
Dat kleine bosje bloemen en precies op dat moment
Die onverwachte brief als je alleen of eenzaam bent

't Zijn de kleine dingen die het doen die het doen
't Zijn de kleine dingen die het doen
't Zijn de kleine dingen die het doen die het doen
't Zijn de kleine dingen die het doen

Die kinderstem die kleur geeft aan een saaie grijze dag
Dat onverwacht gesprek toen je 't allemaal niet meer zag
't was even net als vroeger en je kreeg weer een ballon
Het geeft je leven kleur, er is ineens een beetje zon


We leven in het groot,we maken veel te veel misbaar
We praten wel, maar luisteren zelden naar elkaar
We kijken naar een punt en veel te weinig om ons heen
We zien geen kleine dingen en dus blijven we alleen


That little bit of sunshine that you have been waiting for
The help that was offered so unexpectedly
That little bunch of flowers, exactly at the right moment
The letter that arrived just when you were so lonely

It is the little things that matter (4x)

A children's voice giving colour to a boring, grey day
A little chat when you didn't see a future
Suddenly it felt like before and they gave you a balloon
It gives colour to life and you get to see the sun


We are living big, we make too much noise
We talk, but listen too little
We stare at a point, we don't look around
We don't see little things, so we stay alone.

Saying "hi" to my cock

I have learned that in life most of the pleasures come from small, little things. Sure, we would all love to win the lottery, have the most gorgeous boyfriend or fuck buddy and drink champagne and eat caviar every night, but real happiness comes from petite pleasures. Such as saying "hi" to my cock every day. When I see him stand tall with his red head looking at me every morning, as if he is happy to see me and is wondering "where were you since yesterday?". And always, every day, he will be crowing when he sees me.

Monday, 18 February 2008

More Arabs who are insecure about their sexuality

We all know that mentally healthy heterosexuals don't discriminate against gays. These people don't care if a guy likes another guy, "you live your life and I live mine". We also know that the real enemies of gays are people who have problems in their own sexual development. And we also know that Arab countries have a unusually large percentage of people with such sexual disorders. Not so strange if you know that their culture and religion requires women to be wrapped in burqas and niqabs. If a normal healthy heterosexual boy can't even see a woman, how can we expect him to develop normally and be tolerant of others? I was reminded of the backwardness of Arab culture when I read the story that the Gulf State of Bahrain will tighten immigration checks to stop foreign gay people entering the country. A certain Mr. Fairooz who is a member of parliament in the fine dictatorship of Bahrain knows more: "They look manly as they come to the airport, but when they get in they return back to their unaccepted homosexual attitude." I wonder who told him? Or does Mr. Fairooz perhaps know very well where to find a cute young man? Just like most of the other Arabs. Hypocrites.

Sunday, 17 February 2008


Watched a German movie Eden yesterday which was nice. The film is a comedy drama with romantic overtones, about a married woman (Eden) with a young Downs-afflicted daughter (Leonie) and a frustrated husband (Xaver) who meets a fat, introverted, awkward, but extremely talented and warm chef (Gregor) in the spa village they live in. She becomes enthralled by him, visits his house, and begins a chaste affair with him where their mutual affection is expressed only through the food he cooks and her appreciation of it. Xaver hears about his wife's weekly dinners with the chef, and despite her renewed romantic interest in her husband, inspired by the "cuisine erotique" cooked by the chef, Xaver becomes jealous and angry and the plot proceeds from there. I liked the chef's character: he is very aware of his strenghts (and weaknesses) and lets action speak much louder than words.
After the movie I was extremely surprised to find MA all alone in Soho. Now that almost all of the gang is travelling I guess for a while we must get used to the situation that we are not the centre of attention in the bar. Fortunately HE and CC also showed up. Turns out that CC has not only been talking with me about doing a traineeship at our company, but also with MA. In the end he chose to go with our company. MA just found out last night and he was disappointed.

Thursday, 14 February 2008

World Press Photo Awards

This picture was the runner up winner in the World Press Photo Awards. "Couple targeted in anti-gay violence wait for medical help, Budapest, Hungary." Violence and love pictured together.

A virtual Valentine

I had not really expected to be remembered this Valentine's Day. Well, OS got me a nice big box of chocolates but it doesn't count as the reason is he wants me to be fat and ugly when I go to Asia. So it was a big surprise when I had a Bluemountain e-card in my inbox this morning. Turns out the card is from EY who I don't know in person yet, so far we have just been chatting and looking at each other's pictures. He writes "I think you are hot, when can we meet for some XXX". Not a very appropriate text for Valentine's if you ask me.

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Cyndi Lauper - I Drove All Night

A Valentine's song. I say no more.

A great party

Yesterday we had a party to celebrate the first anniversary of our company. We started drinking (white wine, in my case) around 4pm and I can't remember what time I got home. It was good white wine because I didn't have a headache this morning and I made it to the office on-time, well - almost. Some 50 people showed up and we had great fun telling stories about the weird people and situations in our work life. This was one example of an event that I didn't really look forward to but turned out to be very nice. And it is always useful to have seen one's bosses drunk!
Today FR sent me an SMS from Singapore telling me it is unusually cool, they are meeting with our old friend TC (who used to live in Amsterdam until 2003, moved to Melbourne to study and now lives back home in Singapore) and he and CH are going to Bangkok tomorrow. Five minutes later another message from KE who is in Singapore also telling me he is going to Bangkok. Now you must know that FR and CH don't talk with KE anymore, so evil I just hope they are on the same flight tomorrow.
Since changing my various dating profiles to include my travel schedule in Asia I have been flooded with messages from Thai, Malaysian and Indonesian guys. As there are far too many (and too much hassle to remember who-is-who and how and when to meet) I think I'll just leave it to spontaneous meetings once I am there. Anyway, it is good to be popular even for the wrong reasons. Hehe

Monday, 11 February 2008

Amsterdam favourite international gay destination

US magazine Out Traveler asked their readers for their favourite travel destinations and Amsterdam took the nr. 1 position in the "International Gay Destination" category. I am quite surprised as the competition is big and Amsterdam had to deal with some negative news such as incidents of gay bashing and the closure of some famous bars and clubs. Twenty or fifteen years ago Amsterdam was certainly the gay capital of Europe (and, together with San Francisco, the gay capital of the world). Today, fortunately, many other cities such as Berlin, Barcelona, Paris, London, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Sydney and Bangkok, have also turned into gay-friendly places so it is a big honour that Amsterdam is still ranked as the nr. 1. And I am glad to know that the Handbag Museum made it to Out Magazine's webpage: "Gold: Amsterdam
A proposed ban on munching magic mushrooms might stop Amsterdam's psychedelic swirl of rainbows, but aside from some pointed press about conservatives' narrowing policies toward immigration and religion (i.e., Muslims), the Netherlands still maintains an inclusive love affair with all flavors of minorities, sexual or otherwise. Meanwhile, a new Museum of Bags and Purses -- the world's first -- ups the city's already fashionable and cutting-edge ante."

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Export to Singapore

Yesterday JA came for dinner. He is 30 years young, Spanish and cute. He has been living in Amsterdam for the last 3 years or so, and when a good friend of his was telling him enthusiastic stories about Singapore he went there to have a look (for a week, his first trip ever to Asia), fell in love with the city and is now preparing to move to Singapore. Talking with him I can't help but get the impression that he is totally in honeymoon-mood ("Asians are so polite, charming, friendly and soft"), but who am I to spoil his feelings? I am sure some of the soft Singaporeans will attack him the moment he sets foot in the Lion City. Hehe
Spring has arrived! It has been sunny, 12 C and very pleasant. Yesterday I worked in the garden removing the dead plants from last year and planting new, fresh plants and flowers. It is actually too early in the year to do this, so we all hope there won't be snow and ice later in February or March.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Nigerian scams getting sillier

Michael Kuhn
Finance Department Director
International Monetary Fund. IMF

Good day,

I found your name in the Central Computer among the list of unpaid (Contractors, Inheritance next of kin and lotto beneficiaries that was originated from American, Europe, Asia plus Middle east and Africans) among the list of individuals and companies that your unpaid fund has been located to the Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC, Barclays Bank, Natwest Bank, Bank of America, Eco Bank Nigeria plc and CBN Plus ATM payment. Your name appeared among the beneficiaries who will receive a part-payment of US$5.5 million and has been approved already for months. You are requested to get back to me for more direction and instruction on how to receive your fund.

However, we received an email from one Dr. Robert Walter who told us that he is your
next of kin and that you died in a car accident last week. Dr Robert Walter account co-ordinate as follows:
Bank of Lebanon
A/c no: 890458984589
Routing No: bl 275-79665
Beneficiary: Dr Robert Water

He has also submitted his account for us to transfer the fund to him. We want to hear from you before we can make the transfer to confirm if you are dead or not. Once again, I apologize to you on behalf Of IMF (International Monetary Fund) failure to receive your funds in time, which according to records in the system had been long overdue. contact me via my email

Yours Sincerely,

Michael Kuhn
Finance Department Director
International Monetary Fund. IMF

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Benny Neyman dead - aged 56

Dutch singer Benny Neyman died today of cancer, aged 56. He had a nr. 1 hit in 1980 with this song "Waarom fluister ik je naam nog?" ("why do I still whisper your name?") and some other very popular songs such as "A bachelor only goes to sleep after he has counted all the stars". He was gay and popular, especially in the 1980's. May he rest in peace.

I am a masochist

It is official: I must be a masochist to see the worst movie in the world not once, but twice. Yesterday, like every first Wednesday of the month, was gay movie night at Pathe De Munt. MA had mentioned that we should all go (that is, those members of the gang who are in Amsterdam) so I dutifully showed up to realize that the movie to be shown is "Rent". I had watched this movie in Singapore two years ago and it was easily the most boring, bad movie I have seen in a long time. Well, I thought I'd give the movie a second chance, and found it even worse this time. Bad, monotonous songs, no story, bad acting, you name it. All of our gang hated the movie and throughout the movie people stood up and left. Browsing the web tonight I saw that Rent was never released in the Netherlands which is proof of our good taste!
In other news, our American shareholder sent an internal auditor to us today and I spent most of the day with him. I think I was able to convince him that their money is safe with us. We had a long lunch and he asked about my favourite candidate for the US presidency; he must have been shocked with my answer ("Obama seems to be the best for lack of a more liberal/progressive candidate") as he admitted to being a conservative Republican.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

恭喜发财 and Chúc mừng năm mới

Happy Lunar New Year to all who celebrate it, and to everybody else too! May all your dreams come true.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Dutch don't have problem with female or gay leaders

An opinion poll showed that the vast majority of Dutch people wouldn't have a problem with a female or gay prime minister. We have never had a female prime minister (and there have never been serious female candidates, which is quite strange now that I think about it). The gay candidate, Pim Fortuyn (picture), who actually had a chance to become prime minister was murdered just before the 2002 general elections. He was (very) openly gay and famously said in an interview when asked about the problems with criminal youth of Moroccan descent: "What criminal Moroccan boys? I fuck Moroccan boys". I believe it helped him a lot that he was so open about his homosexuality and his sexual adventures: people trusted him because they believed that if he was telling them everything about his sex life, all the rest would also probably be true. Anyway, according to the recent poll people would be less comfortable with a Jewish, Muslim, old or ethnic minority prime minister. Still a way to go for an all-inclusive society.

Monday, 4 February 2008

A typical, busy, boring, good day

I have been busy at work (so much for my semi-retirement) so I have had many typical, busy, boring, good days like today:
7:00 AM: wake up, have shower, check e-mail, breakfast, get dressed
8:15 AM: leave house on bicycle
8:45 AM: arrive office
8:45 AM to 6:30 PM: receive and write about 100 e-mails, get and make about 20 phone calls, write proposals, do admin, manage staff, listen to my bosses with their plans, 20 minute lunch break around 1 PM
6:30 PM: leave office
7:00 PM: arrive home
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM: my exercises (I still need to lose 8 kg)
8:00 PM to 8:45 PM: prepare and eat dinner
8:45 PM to 12:00 midnight: read newspaper, read book, watch TV, watch movie, surf Internet, write e-mail, write blog, call friends
12:00 midnight: zzzzzzzz
Actually, 4 out of 5 nights it is more like:
12:00 to 12:03 AM: wank, wank
12:03 AM: zzzzzzzz
Life is boring but good!

Joran van der Sloot

Almost 50% of all Dutch (including me) watched the TV program "Peter R. de Vries, crime reporter" last night in which he solved the Natalee Holloway case. He organized a clever sting operation in which the main suspect Mr. Joran van der Sloot confessed to dumping Natalee's body in the Caribbean. The police had tried for 2 1/2 years to find evidence but failed, and finally Mr. De Vries succeeded in having Joran confess. Today, all newspapers were full with the story and people were talking about nothing else. Here is a recent picture of Joran (centre), he must be careful when he picks up the soap in prison!

Porn for senior citizens

The Socialistische Partij (the Dutch Socialist Party) is running an ad on prime time TV (promoting better care for old people at home) in which an old lady undresses saying: "Many years I had Conny come to my house to wash me. But she was too expensive, they say. So now I get a stranger. And a different stranger every day. I might as well undress for the whole country". You can watch the video on the Socialist Party's website under "Voor een betere thuiszorg" (for a better home care)

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Somebody (not me) f***ing Matt Damon

He is so cute........

Obama for President!

I am not American and I don't get to vote in the US elections. (although I think I could: when I was in New York years ago I was approached by someone who asked if I was a "registered voter", upon my negative answer he invited me to register, if I had claimed to be American I may have succeeded....) Still I am following the US campaign with much interest as the US is still the biggest country in the Western world. My friend DA recently explained why he voted for Hillary in his blog. And I? I would vote for Obama. Why? Well, first of all I would never vote for a Republican. They are too far right wing conservative for my liking. To be honest, the Democrats are just a bit better; it is amazing that a true social-democrat or liberal party doesn't exist in America. What I like about Obama is his age (my generation, so still young hehe) and the freshness and inspiration of his message. All countries, once in while, need some change and excitement and Obama is the man who can bring it after 20 years of rule by the Bush and Clinton dynasties. Furthermore, Hillary has proven that she can't deliver: one of the biggest shames on America's record is the fact that it doesn't provide universal health care to its citizens. Hillary was put in charge of arranging it, and she failed miserably. So Obama is the man! (by the way, with a black father and a white mother why do people think he is black? He is mixed-race)

Losing appetite for sex?

It had been a long time that I had been to Cuckoo's Nest, and being a bit horny I decided on Friday evening to honour the bar with my visit. It is amazing how many faces I still recognize: it seems that at least half of the patrons visit "CNN" (as SU calls the bar) every night because whenever I am there, they are there. I found PH upstairs and we chatted a bit (the usual topic being that before we both die we should have sex, PH is one of those friends that we get along well and like to chat, but never had sex). I had a tour of the downstairs area which was packed. After a while I spotted a beautiful young white man in his 20's, wearing very fashionable clothes which is unusual for CNN. He smiled at me (I was surprised and looked around if someone cute was standing behind me first), so having made sure the smile was for me I walked up and we had a chat. He was friendly enough and made it clear he wanted something, but suddenly the feeling came over me "what am I doing here?" and I quickly excused myself and went upstairs. After another beer I guess the horniness came back and I went down again. This time I had to wait a bit longer to find someone who liked me. Late 30's, looked like a mix of Arab and black, cute. He grabbed my dick and then took my hand to lead me into a cabin. The same feeling came back to me, so I lied "sorry not my type" and I went upstairs and left the bar. Fortunately MA texted "Soho in 30 minutes" because I really needed a "normal" bar with good friends. I don't think I'll go to CNN soon again. I feel that I am losing the appetite for sex with strangers.
Had a long chat with MA in Soho. We share similar experiences with our non-Dutch housemates and something had happened between MA and JE that MA needed to vent about. We joked that it would be so much easier for MA and me to live together, and as neither of us has sex with our housemate anyway, it sounds like a grand plan. RO was telling us about his upcoming trip to Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. I am jealous that so many people are traveling this month: KE is in Singapore and Thailand, FR and CH left for Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam on Friday, WB and FR are leaving Monday to Malaysia and Thailand, and RO is leaving next week, too. Well, another 6 1/2 weeks and I'll be there.