Thursday, 31 January 2008
Thank you, Air Asia

Baby boom

Americans continue to spend beyond their means
Kindergarten economics: when a person makes $ 1,000 per month and spends $ 1,200, after a while he will have problems. At first, he may find a bank that is willing to lend him the $ 200, but banks are not (totally) crazy so at one point the individual will have to cut his spending and live with the money he actually makes. The US of A as a whole has been living like the person in this example for at least a decade, continuously spending more than it is making. With the recent sub-prime crisis, this period seemed to have come to an end which is good. Americans need to spend less, save more and go back to a standard of living they can actually afford. But the Bush government and the Fed are now doing their best to prolong the good times by giving away tax checks and dramatically lowering interest rates. Which only means that the recession that will follow will be deeper, when it comes. All Bush and the Fed are doing is delaying the process of adjustment. This would have been a good time to force an adjustment: the rest of the world is doing very well and we don't need the Americans for our economies. Asia is growing 10% a year, South America has a boom time, Europe is moving forward nicely and even Africa is making a lot of progress. Soon, the bankers of this world in Asia and the Middle East will no longer want to finance America's overspending, and a reality check will be passed to the American people. In the mean time, the value of the dollar is approaching another all-time low , and as long as some Asian countries currencies continue to be linked to the US$ (not for much longer, I expect), my holiday in Asia will be even cheaper! Thanks Mr. Bush, thanks Fed!
Wednesday, 30 January 2008
End of treatment
Monday, 28 January 2008
Mixing business with pleasure (2)
I normally don't mix business with pleasure - I mean, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week is long enough to spend with even the nicest person, so why would I want to socialize with colleagues? But now I am about to make an exception: I was chatting with CC in the bar last night and he told me he still needs a company that will give him a project for the graduation thesis for his studies in international business. Before I knew it I told him we might have something for him, and when I discussed it with my boss this morning he was immediately enthusiastic as we are negotiating a huge multi-million project in China and if we get it we will need a lot of help. As CC is Chinese his language skills will definitely come in handy. So I arranged an interview between CC and my boss and if they like each other, soon I will see CC not only in the bars but also in the office. I only know CC in jeans and tight T-shirts so it will be interesting to see him in business attire later this week!
Today was sgboy's 26th birthday! (well, actually in Singapore it is already tomorrow so his birthday was yesterday there - whatever) Have a nice year and many happy returns!
Today was sgboy's 26th birthday! (well, actually in Singapore it is already tomorrow so his birthday was yesterday there - whatever) Have a nice year and many happy returns!
Sunday, 27 January 2008
Pain distracts

So now I have a bad back pain which I hope will go away soon. Until then, the physical pain helps to distract from the emotional pain I am feeling.
With the hard work I didn't go to the bars this weekend. MR and RB came for dinner - they have a minor renovation of their house (picture below), so they are camping out with friends and family for the next 6 months. I offered them my house for when I am in Asia in March/April.
Singapore stops foreigners from singing
Singapore's Media Development Authority (I am always wondering what they are developing except for narrow-mindedness) banned the Complaints Choir from singing as long as there are foreigners amongst the singers. The 60-member "complaints choir", a concept that originated from two Finnish artists, was scheduled to perform at a weekend festival but authorities granted a performance licence on the condition that the foreigners would not participate. I must admit that I never heard about the concept of a "complaints choir" but it is a wonderful idea that I would like to see here in Amsterdam, too. Enough to complain about! In the mean time, Singapore's Censorship Board once again managed to make a mountain out of a molehill and attracted worldwide negative attention. Will they ever learn?
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Blushing and The Kite Runner

Cashier: "You look happy, did you find what you were looking for?"
Me: "Yes, very happy. This jeans is good for me. Normally I hate shopping for clothes."
Cashier: "Why would that be?"
Me: "Well, I guess in that respect I am a real man"
Cashier: "So in which respect are you not a real man?" (big smile)
Me: (mumbling and blushing) "Well, youknowwhatimean"
It often surprises me how self confident and straightforward the young people are these days. This guy was probably only 18, but very sure of himself.
I watched The Kite Runner today which was nice. If you have read the book there are no surprises in the movie, but I think they did the film in a nice way and it didn't bore me for a single minute. I had to shed a few tears, being the sentimental bitch that I am.
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
An explanation of current financial market movements
Viewing this video is obligatory for all who want a simple explanation why _you_ will be paying for bankers' fat salaries.
Monday, 21 January 2008
January is the worst month

Sunday, 20 January 2008
My new VM660

This is my new Domyos VM660 on which I am going to lose 10kg in the next two months. I am tired of all the "did you gain weight?" comments by friends and others, so something needed to be done. My old exercise bike broke down a couple of weeks ago after 6 years of faithful service so I bought a new one yesterday, assembled and tried it today, and am going to use it on a daily basis for the next few months. I will also cut down on beer (I only went out one evening this weekend) and have ordered OS to stop buying cookies, chocolate, ice cream and everything else that I can't resist when I find it in the fridge. From now on, I will have a carrot when I feel hungry between meals.
The weekend was nice and quiet, watched two movies: El Lobo which I liked (and Eduardo Noriega is very cute) and The Guardian which is nothing special (but Ashton Kutcher made me drool...). The evening out with the gang was good, too, and we made fun with RO who, yet again, has a new lover whom he told on day 1 that he is "not monogamous". The number of cute guys that RO attracts is amazing (he is a top and the story is he fucks very well), but they seldom last more than a weekend as RO insists on telling them that he likes to fuck around. I think he wants a steady partner but this way it is not gonna happen. I also had long phone calls with DA and AA which was nice. Finally, I watched the speed skating world championship with a nice new champion, Lee Kyou-Hyuk from Korea.

Saturday, 19 January 2008
Some people don't age well

As for me, I was very busy at work this week. OS also needs a lot of attention as he feels very sick from the radio therapy and he can't speak well, can't eat solid food and he feels unstable so I have to help him climb the stairs etc. Hopefully the doctors are right and by mid-February his situation will have improved.
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Development aid, mostly a waste of money
In the news today: a majority of Dutch believe we give too much money to development aid. I am part of that majority: having witnessned first hand the corruption, waste and business class travel by overpaid bureaucrats. Quote development aid bureaucrat Ms. Herfkens: "Of course I understand that some people think flying business class is luxurious. Those are people who only fly for vacation. For me, there were practical reasons. If you fly economy class, you have to check in much earlier. I'm not going to waste any time on that...If I work fewer hours, if I'm less efficient because economy class is more tiring _ So I consider that too." Unquote
I fully agree that a large portion of development aid ends up in the wrong places. And I also hate it when you give a few euros to an organization they immediately send you glossy magazines. It is an industry like any other. I'd rather give a big tip to a waiter when I travel to a poor country.
I fully agree that a large portion of development aid ends up in the wrong places. And I also hate it when you give a few euros to an organization they immediately send you glossy magazines. It is an industry like any other. I'd rather give a big tip to a waiter when I travel to a poor country.
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Singapore to have "Love and Pride" Film Festival

Monday, 14 January 2008
Brilliant defence of free society against religious intolerance by Dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen (Subtitled)
This is what a free society is all about: these three intolerant Muslim interviewers get an explanation about the concept of freedom.
A consolation prize
I had an interesting conversation with CH and CC in the bar yesterday. CH is 46 and originally from Singapore, and he was telling me that when he came to the Netherlands 25 years ago the only guys interested in meeting him were (in his words) "old, fat men". So he decided to remain single until he met his younger boyfriend FR 5 years ago. CC, who is 26 from China joined in the conversation and told us that he gets lots of attention from young Dutch guys. In CH's opinion, the appreciation of other cultures has developed over the years. I am not so sure that's the reason, and joked that CC is just a lot cuter than CH was when he was young. Anyway, CC's partner is 23 years his senior so all the attention from young guys doesn't seem to make much difference.
I learned on Saturday that MA was the lucky one to have sex with TO, the Japanese, after we all left on Friday. And again on Saturday, and again on Sunday. No wonder MA looked a bit tired when I saw him last night. As a consolation prize I got a rather nice SMS from TO: "Hi Happyamsguy, thank you very much for everything! I was very glad to see you and I'll miss you in Moscow. (TO lives in Moscow) You are very kind guy so I like you very much. I inform you my e-mail TOXXXX@tt.rim.or.jp Hope keep touch with you and exactly see you again."
The story of my life: others get the sex and I get sweet messages.....By the way, this is the first time I see an e-mail address with tt and rim in it.
I learned on Saturday that MA was the lucky one to have sex with TO, the Japanese, after we all left on Friday. And again on Saturday, and again on Sunday. No wonder MA looked a bit tired when I saw him last night. As a consolation prize I got a rather nice SMS from TO: "Hi Happyamsguy, thank you very much for everything! I was very glad to see you and I'll miss you in Moscow. (TO lives in Moscow) You are very kind guy so I like you very much. I inform you my e-mail TOXXXX@tt.rim.or.jp Hope keep touch with you and exactly see you again."
The story of my life: others get the sex and I get sweet messages.....By the way, this is the first time I see an e-mail address with tt and rim in it.
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Fischer Z - Marliese
One of the nice song of Fischer Z's "Red Skies over Paradise" album. I can't find my favourite, Battalions of Strangers, on Youtube which is a pity!
My album collection

1. Grace Jones - Island Life
2. Dire Straits - Dire Straits
3. Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon
4. Gerry Rafferty - City to City
5. Supertramp - Even in the Quietest Moments
6. Gruppo Sportivo - 10 Mistakes
7. Supertramp - Crime of the Century
8. Al Stewart - Year of the Cat
9. Cat Stevens - Teaser and the Firecat
10. Gruppo Sportivo - Back to 78
11. The Dubliners - The Best of
12. Dire Straits - Making Movies
13. Fischer Z - Red Skies over Paradise
14. 10 CC - Live and let Live
15. The Eagles - Hotel California
Saturday, 12 January 2008
A chat gone wrong

The Japanese
So tonight we went to Soho as a try-out for a new bar but it was almost empty, we proceeded to Montmartre which was OK but around 8pm we needed a change of scenery and I had the brilliant idea to go to Krokodil which is a bar with cheap beers and old men so we felt right at home. There was this cute Japanese tourist TO and we spent all evening with him taking turns talking with him and feeling his hard body and nipples and all. But he plays hard to get so we will meet him again tomorrow as he will be in Amsterdam until Monday.
Today is ER's birthday: happy birthday sweetie have a great day and lots of fun and I miss you!!! Kiss kiss kiss.
Today is ER's birthday: happy birthday sweetie have a great day and lots of fun and I miss you!!! Kiss kiss kiss.
Monday, 7 January 2008
The demolition party
The demolition party was great! Everybody came and it was one big reunion. I have been coming to April Bar for the last 12 years or so, at least once and more often twice a week, so I have spent countless hours there. It was extremely busy and when some idiots started to take the word demolition literally and began playing with the lights and electricity and we found out that the emergency exit was blocked, I decided it was time to go home. Our gang is now officially homeless and we will try various new bars in the weeks to come.
Fewer Americans and Japanese, more Russians, Chinese and Indians
American, Canadian and Japanese holidaymakers are avoiding the Netherlands because of the expensive euro, the Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions reported. The number of visitors from the US fell by 3 percent last year. There were also 11% fewer Canadians and 15% less Japanese tourists. The decline in the number of visitors from North America and Japan was largely compensated by the increase of the number of visitors from countries like Belgium (up 11 percent), Spain (+10 percent), Finland (+10 percent), Russia (+14 percent), China (+14 percent) and India (+13 percent).
The new world order is becoming visible in the tourism statistics!
The new world order is becoming visible in the tourism statistics!
Dutch no longer getting taller

I believe the statisticians are wrong. When I see my nephew's friends most of them are taller than me. And I am not exactly small.
Sunday, 6 January 2008
Warhol, work and the end of an era

Work is very busy and even this weekend I have been writing e-mails and arranging stuff. January is going to be a very busy month and a lot of the work load will be on my shoulders.
Today will be the last day that April Bar is open. They are going to close for 7 months for a big renovation. Tonight they will have a "demolition party" which will coincide with GO's birthday party. I feel a bit sad that my second living room will no longer be there.
As sang so many times in "Cheers":
Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.
Wouldn't you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where everybody knows your name,
and they're always glad you came.
You wanna be where you can see,
our troubles are all the same
You wanna be where everybody knows
Your name.
Thursday, 3 January 2008
Don't drink or you'll be gay

Gnome Buttplug cause of controversy

Wednesday, 2 January 2008
Time to get a bit tougher on crime?

Hard core porn in the office
My boss and I received a business e-mail from one of the consultants we often work with. The e-mail itself was innocent, it talked about some travel arrangements to be made. However, our dear consultant (by mistake, I hope) added another e-mail as an attachment, apparently from a girlfriend in a country in which he has worked on a previous assignment. And attached to that e-mail were some 10 pictures that can only be called hard porn. I will never be able to talk to the consultant again without thinking about the things his girlfriend puts in the various openings of her body. Yet another example of how degenerated straight men are. Hehe.
Dolphins are great investment analysts

Tuesday, 1 January 2008
A good ushering in of the new year

Last night was a great party at PT and MC place. They are expats in Amsterdam and PT's company is paying for a beautiful apartment at Prinsengracht. We were 18, of which half were Filipino's and the other half white guys. Oh, and one lady. The hard core of the gang were all traveling so I had the chance to meet some new people. We had planned to go to the open air concert at Dam Square or to the bars, but the party was so nice that all of us stayed until 3:30am.
Today the three main gay bars in Reguliersdwarsstraat all had free drinks! The gang, including me, was out from 5pm until 9:30pm and I spent exactly zero cents! The owner of the gay bars, Mr. Sjoerd Kooistra, is making so much money on us that this is just a small gesture to pay us a little dividend!
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