I had dinner last night with MI at one of his favourite restaurants Szmulewicz at Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam. We had been trying to get in there before but so far it had always been full, but yesterday we were lucky to find a table. The name Szmulewicz is fake Polish/Russian and a pun on the Dutch verb "smullen" which means eating very well. We both had vegetarian dishes and I must say it was indeed very nice. MI had lost weight (again) and I told him he is getting too slim. He used to be quite chubby so it was good he lost some weight but he is going too far now. Before dinner we had a quick drink at April and I introduced MI to KE and JN. As I expected, they are not really each other's cup of tea, always fun to introduce one friend to another and realize they instantly dislike each other.
In other news, for the first time since I started work at my new company I got home totally wet - it has been raining hard all day. Oh, and OS is totally fed up with his nephew who is a spoilt little brat, I can finally understand sgboy and his nephews. Five and a half weeks to go.
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